Published May 2019 (Third printing January 2025)
Selected from a sequence of 100 poems written on a long day in the summer of 2013, Anne Boyer's Money City Sick as Fuck imagines writing a poem "in a confederacy of exception [...] called 'wages for tenderness and nothing else'". Situated between Pompeii and Olympus, at "Texaco in ruins" or the amusement park, in a bar called Lethe, at the saddest prom in history, taking "every odd route", these poems passionately survey and survive the streets and jails of the modern-day polis,"sunbathing in Atlantis", oracles IRL.
ANNE BOYER (born 1973) is an American poet and essayist. She is the author of The Romance of Happy Workers (2008), The 2000s (2009), My Common Heart (2011), Garments Against Women (2015), and The Handbook of Disappointed Fate (2018). Boyer teaches at the Kansas City Art Institute With Guillermo Parra and Cassandra Gillig, she has translated the work of 20th century Venezuelan poets Victor Valera Mora, Miguel James, and Miyo Vestrini. In 2020, Boyer was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction for her book The Undying: A Meditation on Modern Illness (2019).The peak consequence —this portof pleasure —we willor will notrealize —
A5, 52 pp, saddle-stitch.
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