Kruk Book: An Anthology for Frances Kruk

Published December 2022

Frances Kruk’s poetry is a gothic poetry, a perverse poetry, a poetry of slashers and slapstick, of intricate detail and messy smudges, of work and the refusal of work. Across her books—clobber (2006), dig oubliette (2006), A Discourse on Vegetation and Motion (2008), Down You go, or Négation de Bruit (2011), Dwarf Surge (2013), PIN (2014), lo-fi frags in progress (2015), and A series of perceptual failures and reckless reckless cutting (2014)—it cuts through our times like a scalpel. In that spirit, we hope, this anthology contains poems, prose and visuals for Frances from, in alphabetical order:
Sascha Akhtar, Tom Allen, Tom Betteridge, cris cheek, Francis Crot, Nia Davies, Ellen Dillon, Helen Dimos, Laura Elliott, Harry Gilonis, Emma Gomis, Chris Gutkind, Dom Hale, Tessa Harris, Sarah Hayden, Danny Hayward, Ian Heames, Rosa van Hensbergen, Dimitra Ioannou, Lisa Jeschke, Justin Katko, Sarah Kelly, Linda Kemp, Rob Kiely, Peter Manson, Lila Matsumoto, Stephen Mooney, Ghazal Mosadeq, Gizem Okulu, Nell Osborne, Richard Owens, Eleanor Perry, Jessica Pujol Duran, Richard Parker, Luke Roberts, Will Rowe, Andy Spragg, Dolly Rae Star, and Stolen Goods.
Every one of the 40 contributors here has been touched in some way by Frances’s work, and we hope that this anthology gives something back from all that writing has given us.

A5, perfect bound, 194pp.

Currently out of print.