Manson and Mendoza - Windsuckers and Onsetters

Published August 2018

WINDSUCKERS & ONSETTERS: SONNOTS for Griffiths is a collaborative project between Peter Manson & Mendoza in commemoration of Bill Griffiths (August 20, 1948 – September 13, 2007). The assemblage of ‘niners’ (nine sets of nine lines with nine syllables per line) uses, or responds to, text found in Fishing and Folk: Life and Dialect on the North Sea Coast (2008) & Pitmatic: Talk of the North East Coal Field (2007) compiled by Bill Griffiths.

Blue card covers, 48 pages, side-stapled.

Bill Griffiths was born in Middlesex and settled in Seaham, Co. Durham. Mendoza was born in Northumberland and settled in London. Peter Manson was born in Glasgow and settled in Glasgow.

You lose your light.    spend all of your lives.
endless doubtlessness,   land-full  /   surprised-
ness”.     unintelligible  language.
            eye-acute.    look at the sun rising...
unspeaking and becoming      light-like
sun-froth   unGod.      sun-needle   gaze-blaze
                                    erase death,   and in-turn re-birth.     this
                                    land is gold.   this coal is gold.   this clan-
                   ship      of miners              is gold                   is gold       is


Below is a recording of Manson & Mendoza reading from the book. 
Recording: Mendoza. Production: Manson. Glasgow, August 2018.