Danny Hayward - Pragmatic Sanction

Published August 2015

A Long Dramatic Monologue about recent developments in population control and work enforcement, done up as a chase sequence involving a mysterious booming sound, a side-scrolling pig’s head, and a lucky number seven, and featuring an extended cameo by the brain structure primarily responsible for coordinating stress response in humans and other animals.

The conclusion is theoretically wrong. But before that, in the run-up to it, on the road to hell with the first door that exits from a pipe protruding upwards in the vicinity of the third door leading onwards into a highway with a person standing in it, call it me or you.

36pp, card covers, side-stapled.

  • Review by Yamuph Piklé here.
  • 'Exit Strategies', review by Ed Luker here.
  • 'The Edible Book in the Era of Riots', essay by James Day, here. Discusses Pragmatic Sanction alongside Commune Editions, Melanie Gilligan, Lise Skou, Nils Rømer and Sean Bonney.
  • 'Unanswerable Questions', essay by Joe Luna, here. Discusses Pragmatic Sanction alongside Anne Boyer and Keston Sutherland.
  • Recording of Keston Sutherland's talk on 'Blocks: Form Since the Crash' here. Contains substantial discussion of Pragmatic Sanction.

OUT OF PRINT. [But available online at Free Trials: click here.]