Rosa Van Hensbergen - Lights Out to Love in HD

ISBN 978-1-091998-95-7. Published January 2015.

My transmissions have been hacked. Upfront as I am.

Lights out to Love in HD is a 120-page work in prose. Split figures are figured by an unnamed narrator; watched and watching, on the screen, in the room: there are eyes on me, not only my own, but all eyes in the gloom; shadowy forces drag into shadow and bright night-lit glare, at home, in the supermarket, on the computer screen which holds out indifferently, levers hierarchy of emotion.

It is in this way, not sure what corpse or shade I sit in, that I walk the aisle…Searching back to source, the narrator sets out to trace the core anguish, scout the worm – we flash back, faces on the screen watch and are watched, language sinuous insinuates in rhyme and polyglot ease an ease of style belying surveilled unease. In other words, address the problem areas around knowing / not knowing. Guzzle in their origin. Meat and flesh, sex or death, taut or taught, in control or out, imposed in infantile pose, react, controlled or abject, the skin stretched as paper over the head, the grass false or real, virtual, organic, socially made, evolve, dissolve, revolve, go glitch; in the stifling courtyard enclosed, in the city a cell, with infinite free drinks, the packs of produce, a body in a bed, the weight of stone rocked to nuclear, collapsing into pollen, minute detail of the body gesture danced or forced, reeling, unsure in fact of where was back and where was home, and of where located their relation to one another…To know your place, where that placement is uncertain and hidden, rifled over and shot through in machine and in social code: Held distended in distance that home dissociates, pixel display.

This is a book in which reformulative technique, a melting and rewelding of the associative structures of language lies at the heard and fold of my detective strategies.

My transmissions have been HACKED.

120pp, card covers, side-stapled.